
Your (Our patient`s) smile gives us satisfaction

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  • We place ourselves at your eye level and treat you with warmth
  • We aim for the best treatments by pursuing expertise and an innovative spirit
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About Our Services…

Common Cold

The common cold is called “upper respiratory inflammation” in medical terms.
Children catch a cold about 6 to 10 times a year. There are over 200 kinds of viruses that can cause a person to catch a cold. You are more susceptible to colds if you are tired, feel stressed, or have allergies. It is said that cold symptoms last 2 to 14 days.


Sore throat, cough, fever, hoarse voice, runny nose, sneezing, headache, loss of appetite, and fatigue.
If symptoms continue for a week you should see a doctor.

Febrile Convulsion

Febrile convulsion is a seizure associated with high body temperature (fever). It most commonly occurs in children ages 6 months to 5 years. There is no known cause for this condition. The child loses consciousness for several seconds or even minutes, with twitches all over the body. Breathing may become irregular. They may even wet or soil themselves. And they generally look unwell. After a seizure, the child may have a headache, feel drowsy, and be absentminded. To make a diagnosis we look at several factors including symptoms, duration, and family history (whether parents have experienced febrile convulsions in the past).

Stomach Flu

The most common cause of stomach flu is viruses. The rotavirus and norovirus are the most common stomach flus, and are prevalent during the winter. The main symptoms are vomiting and diarrhea, but other symptoms may appear such as headache, fever, stomachache, loss of appetite, and fatigue. In making a diagnosis, we examine the abdominal region and the whole body for symptoms, and their durations.

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

Conjunctivitis, or pink eye, is an infection of the eye. There may be pain, swelling, and a pink or reddish appearance. This condition occurs mostly in early autumn. It will not cause permanent damages to one’s vision. Pink eye can be brought on by bacteria, viruses, or allergic reactions such as to pollen. It can also be transmitted by fingers touching towels or handkerchiefs, or other physical contact.
Symptoms: red eyes, itchy eyes, mucus in the eyes, eye pain and swelling


Constipation is defined as “fewer than three stools per week”, “hard stools”, or “straining to have a bowel movement”. Most children empty their bowels every few days.
Although infrequent, their stool is usually soft, and shouldn’t present a problem as long as there is no straining. The most common cause for constipation is not taking in enough water and fiber. One can become constipated by eating too much meat, candy, and desserts instead of cereal, grains, fruits and vegetables. It can also occur in young infants when they switch to drinking milk after being breastfed or formula fed, or switching from baby food to solid food. Certain medications, such as antihistamines, can cause constipation. Holding in stool can cause the stool to grow larger and harder within the stomach, leading to constipation.

Influenza (The Flu)

Influenza, or the flu, is caused by an influenza virus infection. Outbreaks occur mostly in the winter. The flu is mainly categorized into type A and type B. It usually goes away in 7 to 10 days, but symptoms may be more severe with the elderly, infants, and those with immune deficiencies. The incubation period for the flu is 24 to 48 hours, marked by a suddenly high body temperature. Other symptoms are the chills, sore muscles, fatigue, headache, pain in the eyes, cough, nasal discharge, sore throat, and vomiting. We look at the symptoms, durations, current epidemic conditions, and do a quick flu test to make a diagnosis (If you’ve been in close contact with a virus carrier, a test may not be needed). If your doctor suspects you have pneumonia, a chest x-ray will be taken.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

RSV is a cold virus that occurs mostly in adults and toddlers. However, symptoms may be severe for infants. Many children are infected before the age of 2. Outbreaks are prevalent from early autumn to early spring. The virus can spread through the air via droplets, such as from coughing or sneezing. RSV can survive on the hand for over 30 minutes, and on table surfaces for over 5 hours.
Symptoms: Difficulty breathing (shortness of breath), cough, fever, runny or stuffy nose, rapid breathing, and wheezing.

Streptococcal Infection

Also known as “scarlet fever”. This disease occurs when the throat is infected by streptococcal bacteria. The body reacts to this toxin, sometimes causing a red rash to spread across the body.
Symptoms: Sore throat, fever, swollen lymph nodes, headache, loss of appetite, and white spots on tongue. A rash appears a few days after the sore throat, starting on the neck, face, then spreading to other areas of the body and all across the back. The rash then recedes after a few days, and skin starts to peel off.


Measles is a highly contagious infectious disease caused by the measles virus. The incubation period lasts 7 to 14 days. Measles is transmitted via air ,through direct physical contact or through droplets, such as from coughing or sneezing. If you’ve already had the measles, your body has developed an immunity to it, and you can`t get the measles again. You can prevent a measles infection with vaccinations. Symptoms start with fever, fatigue, and loss of appetite, followed by nasal discharge, coughing, and sneezing. There may be extra sensitivity to light. A rash appears on the forehead, around the neck, and then all over the body. The reddish rash turns a dull brown and then eventually disappears after 7 to 10 days. Diagnosis is made by examining the symptoms and their durations, and possibly with a blood test. Children are advised to stay home from school at least 3 days after their temperature has returned to normal. You cannot take aspirin if you have the measles, as it may cause Reye’s syndrome

Chicken Pox

The chicken pox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which seems to favor the skin and mucous membrane. It mostly occurs in children of ages 2 to 8. If a child contracts this disease outside this age range, there may be serious complications. If you’ve already had the chicken pox, you have permanent immunity, so you can’t get it again. It can be prevented with a vaccination. The chicken pox can be transmitted via air ,through direct physical contact or through the air via droplets, such as from coughing or sneezing. The incubation period lasts 7 to 21 days. The following symptoms may occur: slight fever, nasal discharge, cough, headache, fatigue, and loss of appetite. First red spots appear, followed by blisters 2 to 3 days later. And finally, after 4 to 5 days they turn into scabs. The chicken pox can be transmitted to others one or two days before the rash appears.


Mumps is an infection of the salivary glands caused by the mumps virus. Children are most likely to contract mumps between the ages of 10 to 15. It can cause swollen testicles, ovary, breasts, and pancreas. Mumps can be spread through direct physical contact or through the air via droplets, such as from coughing or sneezing. The infection is very contagious and can be spread anywhere from 48 hours before to 6 days after symptoms first appear. Early signs of the mumps are headache and loss of appetite. Pain and swelling occurs in one or both sides of the jaw, and it becomes difficult to swallow or talk. Fever usually recedes after 3 to 4 days, but pain and swelling in the jaw can last about a week. Half of people who get mumps do not have severe symptoms. Doctors will usually diagnose mumps based on the person’s symptoms and their durations, but may also take a blood test or urine sample to confirm. The infection usually goes away in 10 days.

Warnings about Head Injuries

It is common for children to bang or bump their heads accidentally, as their heads are relatively large and their reflex systems haven’t fully developed. Doctors may not be able to diagnose a problem immediately after an injury, but the child`s condition may worsen within the first 24 hours, especially within 6 hours after the injury.
If your child has any of the following symptoms, please call us, or see a doctor at an emergency hospital in your area.

  1. Headache is getting worse
  2. Vomiting becomes more intense. Pay extra attention if your child is having multiple episodes of vomiting.
  3. Bad mood and inactive (absent-minded). Pay extra attention if your child continues to be unusually moody, doesn`t respond, or responds poorly when called.
  4. Cannot walk or have a conversation (trouble understanding things, cannot speak clearly).
  5. Go into convulsions.
  6. Weakness in the arms and legs.

We have a variety of vaccinations available and provide checkups for infants and young children. Please contact us whenever you need help.

About Doctor

fukazawa.jpg深澤 ちえみ
Chiemi Fukazawa

Brief Biography

Graduated from Hamamatsu University medical school
Worked at Hamamatsu University Hospital, Iwata City Hospital, Kikugawa General Hospital, Shizuoka Children’s Hospital, Shimizu Hospital, and Fujinomiya City General Hospital.
Director of Himawari Children’s Hospital since April, 2015.


Medical Specialist at the Japan Pediatric Society
Medical Specialist at the Japan Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery

Message to patients

I have served as a medical specialist in the pediatrics department of general hospitals for many years, and I’ve now been given this wonderful opportunity to run the Himawari Children’s Hospital in Musashi-kosugi. With regional children’s outpatient care, I intend to provide good care for these children and make sure they are happy and healthy. I look forward to meeting you!